IA i80 mm180 wb

IA i80 mm180 Westbound. Trail in the woods behind the rest area.

Categorized as Iowa

IA i80 mm180 eb

IA i80 mm180 Eastbound. Small trail in the woods behind the rest area.

Categorized as Iowa

IA i80 mm147 eb

IA i80 mm147 Eastbound. Misc small trails around the rest area.

Categorized as Iowa

IA i80 exit 142

IA i80 exit 142. Adventureland Amusement Park a short walk away from the truck stop. The amusement park has several bars serving mixed drinks and there is a hotel next to the truck stop. Get drunk, ride the rides, relax in the hotel.

Categorized as Iowa

IA i35 mm119 sb

IA i35 mm119 Southbound. Numerous trails behind the rest area.

Categorized as Iowa

IA i35 mm7

IA i35 mm7. Rest area has a few small loops and a long trail around a lake.

Categorized as Iowa