LA i10 exit 121. Can walk down to a boat dock at the rest area. Possible dirt road/trail along the river as well.
Author: vikingzaroba
KY i65 exit 58
KY i65 exit 58. Small zoo next to the Loves truck stop.
KY i24 exit 27
KY i24 exit 27. It’s not on google maps yet, but there is a paved trail starting at the truck stops that appears o go a few miles down to the Kentucky Lake and Kentucky Dam.
KS Garden City – Lee Richardson Zoo
KS Garden City – Lee Richardson Zoo. Can park a bobtail in the dirt lot for the baseball field south of the zoo than walk to the zoo entrance on the north side of the zoo, it’s about a half mile walk.
IL i74 mm204 wb
IL i74 mm204 Westbound. Loop around the pond and a small trail into the forest to a small old cemetery.
IL i74 mm62 eb
IL i74 mm62 Eastbound. Trail to a lookout tower.
IL i70 exit 159
IL i70 exit 159. Trail next to the Shell truck stop and Blue Beacon.
IL Coal Valley – Niabi Zoo
Niabi Zoo in Coal Valley IL (just south of Davenport) has a bus parking area that is easy to use if you are bobtail. Click for directions from the highway.
IA i80 mm180 wb
IA i80 mm180 Westbound. Trail in the woods behind the rest area.
IA i80 mm180 eb
IA i80 mm180 Eastbound. Small trail in the woods behind the rest area.
IA i80 mm147 eb
IA i80 mm147 Eastbound. Misc small trails around the rest area.
IA i80 exit 142
IA i80 exit 142. Adventureland Amusement Park a short walk away from the truck stop. The amusement park has several bars serving mixed drinks and there is a hotel next to the truck stop. Get drunk, ride the rides, relax in the hotel.
IA i35 mm119 sb
IA i35 mm119 Southbound. Numerous trails behind the rest area.
IA i35 mm7
IA i35 mm7. Rest area has a few small loops and a long trail around a lake.
GA i75 exit 293
GA i75 exit 293. Small truck stop is pay to park, but has the Tellus Science Museum right behind it.
FL i275 mm12
FL i275 mm12. Rest area with beaches and fishing. Numerous misc small trails and a long road to a fishing pier.
FL i275 mm6
FL i275 mm6. Rest area at the waters edge. Misc small trails and a long road to a fishing pier.
FL i95 mm303 sb
FL i95 mm303 Southbound. Paved loop.
FL i95 mm302 nb
FL i95 mm302 Northbound. Paved loop.
FL i95 mm168 nb
FL i95 mm168 Northbound. Grassy loop around pond.
FL i95 mm133 sb
FL i95 mm133 Southbound. Old loop around perimeter of rest area.
FL i95 mm133 nb
FL i95 mm133 Northbound. Old loop around the perimeter of the rest area.
FL i95 mm107 sb
FL i95 mm107 Southbound. Old grassy loop behind the truck parking area.
FL i95 mm105 nb
FL i95 mm105 Northbound. Old loop behind the truck area.
FL i75 mm468 sb
FL i75 mm468 Southbound. Paved roadway leading behind the lake.
FL i75 mm278 sb
FL i75 mm278 Southbound. Grassy loop behind the truck parking.
FL i75 mm278 nb
FL i75 mm278 Northbound. Grassy loop behind the truck parking.
FL i75 mm57
FL i75 mm57. Trail through the everglades passes through the rest area. Watch out for snakes and gaters.
FL i75 mm30
FL i75 mm30. Large rest area has roads with sidewalks along the swamps and an overlook. An air boat company offers tours of the everglades.
FL i75 exit 131
FL i75 exit 131. Large paved road loops.
FL i10 mm318 wb
FL i10 mm318 Westbound. Trail behind rest area leads to a wooden walkway in the swamp to the west and to an access road to the east.
FL i10 mm318 eb
FL i10 mm318 Eastbound. Access road running behind the rest area.
FL i10 mm294 wb
FL i10 mm294 Westbound. Paved loop to walk around.
FL i10 mm294 eb
FL i10 mm294 Eastbound. Paved loop to walk around.
FL i10 mm265 wb
FL i10 mm265 Westbound. Paved loop to walk around.
FL i10 mm265 eb
FL i10 mm265 Eastbound. Paved loop to walk around.
FL i10 mm194 wb
FL i10 mm194 Westbound. Paved loop to walk around.
FL i10 mm194 eb
FL i10 mm194 Eastbound. Paved loop to walk around.
FL i10 mm162
FL i10 mm162. Various small trails in the woods.
FL i10 exit 96
FL i10 exit 96. Rest area has long road loops for walking around.
CO i76 exit 125
CO i76 exit 125. Rest area has a big park across the street from it as well as a small museum right to the south of it.
CO i70 ext 90
CO i70 ext 90. A rest area that is basically a park. Large pond with a trail around it and some trails along the river.
CA i8 exit 51
CA i8 exit 51. Jeep trail next to the highway goes up the mountain. About a 3 mile uphill hike for panoramic views, than the trail runs along the top of the mountains for over 10 miles.
CA i5 exit 745
CA i5 exit 745. Jeep trails north of Pilot.
CA i5 exit 205
CA i5 exit 205. Jeep trail to the south of the Flying J.
AZ i40 mm235 wb
AZ i40 mm235 Westbound. Large rock formations to climb up and walk around on.
AZ i40 mm235 eb
AZ i40 mm235 Eastbound. Large rock formations to climb up and walk on.
AZ i40 exit 9
AZ i40 exit 9. Road into the desert next to the Pilot truck stop.
AZ i10 mm52 wb
AZ i10 mm52 wb. Hole in fence near side building that allows you to explore the wilderness.
AZ i8 mm150 wb
AZ i8 mm150 Westbound. Parking area, not a rest area. Hole in the fence allows access to the Arizona wilderness.